IRENA Since 1924 - Glass Word.
The factory, today called the IRENA HOLDING GROUP, was built in 1924 in Hohensalza (Jungbreslau). The development of household and gallery glass production began in 1927 and is still unbroken. At this time Henryk Podkomorski became the new owner and created the name Irena. He was owner until 1939. During this time, the factory grew in strength and had 3000 products on offer, such as crockery and haberdashery glass of white or colored material, cut and spirits bottles, glasses, brightener (gas and kerosene), perfume, cosmetics, pharmacy glass and technical storage glass.

Production of glasses for the home: Original "Weck" glasses, licensed by Irena, and household jars "Irena" and "Patent Irena" used to be the specialty of the company.
Today, the quality and exquisite design is synonymous with the IRENA brand.
The fine table designers and artists using the most advanced technology in the industry create the high quality products that are not only beautiful and well made, but also appropriate for every lifestyle.
Glass cup with foot - 3 motifs
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Glass cup - coffee cup - espresso cup in 3 variations
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